Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why You Need a DUI Attorney

Being charged with driving under the influence or DUI is a serious offence and should never be considered a simply a minor traffic offence. DUI charges and subsequent convictions can have far reaching and long lasting consequences so you need to consult with a Tampa DUI attorney as soon as possible.

There is much medical and technical evidence used in bring about a prosecution for DUI and your Tampa DUI attorney will look to this evidence to determine if it is correct, has been obtained in the correct way and by qualified personnel. The penalties for a conviction of DUI can be severe, ranging from hefty fines to mandatory jail terms, so if evidence can be deemed as inadmissible then your attorney will look for it.

The strongest evidence comes in the form of the blood alcohol test which is usually taken at the time of your arrest. This test determines the levels of alcohol in your blood stream at the time and can be done using samples of blood, urine or breath. The maximum legal limit in all states is 0.08%, however even if your level is below this you may still be charged if minors were present in the vehicle. If your blood alcohol test shows levels well in excess of this then the penalties can be very severe even if it is a first offence.

Beyond the penalties handed down by the court you will also face the suspension or revocation of your driving license, increased insurance premiums or refusal to insure at all and possible the loss of your livelihood if you depend on driving for a living. Getting your license back is not simply a case of paying your fine or serving your sentence. You will need to reapply to the DMV and prove to them that you are a fit and proper person to hold a license.

Hiring a lawyer will give you the best chance of being acquitted of all charges or of obtaining a more lenient sentence. You should be aware that not all lawyers have experience of DUI cases and it is best to look for a Tampa DUI attorney who only specializes in DUI cases. You also need to hire a lawyer who practices within the area in which the offence took and place in which the court case will be heard. Because each state sets their own laws in relation to DUI only a lawyer who practices within that state will have be knowledgeable in state law at the time of the offence.

DUI lawyers will not only represent you in court, but they will also manage your case from the moment you hire them, deal with all the legal paperwork, negotiate with officials and prosecutors on your behalf and be able to advise and support you on every aspect of your case.

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